The Health IQ colors are Health IQ Picton Blue, Health IQ Celadon Green, Health IQ Emerald, Health IQ Philippine Silver, we recommend using the Health IQ color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Health IQ Official Website
Download the Health IQ color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.
Health IQ is a health insurance company that uses a color scheme of blue, green, and gray. These colors are chosen for their positive associations with health, trust, and stability.
The combination of these three colors creates a brand that is both trustworthy and vibrant. The blue color provides a sense of security, while the green and gray colors add a touch of freshness and sophistication. This color scheme is effective in communicating Health IQ's message of health and wellness.
In addition to the colors, Health IQ also uses a variety of fonts and imagery in its branding. The fonts are clean and simple, which helps to create a sense of professionalism. The imagery is often focused on healthy living, such as people exercising or eating healthy foods. This imagery helps to reinforce Health IQ's message of health and wellness.
Overall, the Health IQ brand is well-designed and uses colors, fonts, and imagery that effectively communicate the company's message. The color scheme of blue, green, and gray is a great example of how colors can be used to create a sense of trust, confidence, and vitality.
Here are some of the benefits of using these colors in the Health IQ brand:
Overall, the use of these colors in the Health IQ brand is effective in communicating the company's message of health and wellness.