Hearthstone Colors

The Hearthstone colors are Dark Lava, Hearthstone Beer, Hearthstone Ripe Mango, Hearthstone Banana Yellow, Hearthstone White, Hearthstone Button Blue, we recommend using the Hearthstone color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Hearthstone Official Website

Hearthstone color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #463c2d
RGB Color: 70 60 45
Hex Color: #f78c15
RGB Color: 247 140 21
Hex Color: #ffc31f
RGB Color: 255 195 31
Hex Color: #ffea3e
RGB Color: 255 234 62
Hex Color: #fffeff
RGB Color: 255 254 255
Hex Color: #26aee7
RGB Color: 38 174 231
  • #463c2d
  • #f78c15
  • #ffc31f
  • #ffea3e
  • #fffeff
  • #26aee7

Hearthstone color Palette Download

Download the Hearthstone color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Hearthstone Brand Colors

The Hearthstone brand uses a variety of colors to create a warm, inviting, and nostalgic atmosphere. The most prominent colors in the brand are brown, orange, and blue. These colors are all associated with nature, comfort, and tradition.

  • Brown is the most common color in the Hearthstone brand. It is used to represent the earth, wood, and stone, all of which are found in abundance in the world of Hearthstone. Brown is also a warm and inviting color, which helps to create a sense of comfort and familiarity.
  • Orange is another important color in the Hearthstone brand. It is associated with fire, warmth, and excitement. Orange is often used in the Hearthstone logo and marketing materials to create a sense of energy and excitement.
  • Blue is the third most prominent color in the Hearthstone brand. It is associated with water, sky, and magic. Blue is a calming and peaceful color, which helps to create a sense of nostalgia and tranquility.

In addition to these three main colors, the Hearthstone brand also uses a variety of other colors, such as green, yellow, and white. These colors are used to add depth and interest to the brand, and to create a sense of harmony and balance.

The Hearthstone brand colors are carefully chosen to create a warm, inviting, and nostalgic atmosphere. These colors are associated with nature, comfort, and tradition, all of which are important aspects of the Hearthstone world. The Hearthstone brand colors help to create a sense of familiarity and comfort, which makes players feel welcome and at home.

Other uses of Hearthstone colors

In addition to the use of Hearthstone colors in the brand, the colors are also used in the game itself. The cards in the game are all assigned a color, and each color has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, the red cards are associated with aggression and attack, while the blue cards are associated with control and defense. The use of colors in the game helps to create a sense of balance and strategy, and it also makes the game more visually appealing.

The Hearthstone brand colors are an important part of the overall experience. They help to create a warm, inviting, and nostalgic atmosphere, and they also make the game more visually appealing. The use of colors in the Hearthstone brand is a thoughtful and deliberate decision, and it helps to make the game a more enjoyable experience for players.