HeidelbergCement Colors

The HeidelbergCement colors are HeidelbergCement Shamrock Green, we recommend using the HeidelbergCement color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. HeidelbergCement Official Website

HeidelbergCement color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #009d57
RGB Color: 0 157 87
  • #009d57

HeidelbergCement color Palette Download

Download the HeidelbergCement color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

HeidelbergCement Brand Colors: A Symbol of Sustainability and Innovation

HeidelbergCement is a global building materials company with a long history of innovation. In recent years, the company has made a concerted effort to become more sustainable, and its brand colors reflect this commitment.

The primary color of the HeidelbergCement logo is a vibrant green. This color is associated with nature, growth, and sustainability. It is also a calming and refreshing color, which can help to evoke positive feelings in consumers.

The secondary color of the HeidelbergCement logo is a deep blue. This color is associated with trust, reliability, and strength. It is also a color that is often used in technology and engineering, which reflects the company's commitment to innovation.

The combination of green and blue is a powerful one. It represents the company's commitment to both sustainability and innovation. These colors are also visually appealing and help to make the HeidelbergCement logo stand out.

In addition to the logo colors, HeidelbergCement also uses other colors in its branding materials. These colors are typically shades of green, blue, and gray. These colors are all calming and refreshing, which helps to create a positive impression of the company.

The use of these colors in HeidelbergCement's branding is a deliberate choice. The company wants to convey a message of sustainability, innovation, and trust. These colors help to achieve this goal and make the company more appealing to consumers.

HeidelbergCement Brand Colors in India

In India, HeidelbergCement's brand colors are slightly different. The primary color is still green, but it is a darker shade. The secondary color is blue, but it is a lighter shade. These colors are still associated with sustainability and innovation, but they are also more in line with Indian cultural preferences.

The use of these colors in HeidelbergCement's branding in India has been well-received. Consumers in India appreciate the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation. They also find the colors to be visually appealing and calming.


The HeidelbergCement brand colors are a powerful symbol of the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation. These colors are used throughout the company's branding materials, and they help to create a positive impression of the company.

In India, the brand colors have been slightly modified to be more in line with Indian cultural preferences. However, the colors still convey the same message of sustainability and innovation.

HeidelbergCement is a leading global building materials company, and its brand colors play an important role in its branding strategy. The colors help to convey the company's values and make it more appealing to consumers.