Heinz Beanz Blue Colors

The Heinz Beanz Blue colors are Heinz Beanz Blue Viridian Green, we recommend using the Heinz Beanz Blue color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Heinz Beanz Blue Official Website

Heinz Beanz Blue color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0095a3
RGB Color: 0 149 163
  • #0095a3

Heinz Beanz Blue color Palette Download

Download the Heinz Beanz Blue color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Heinz Beanz Blue: The Color of Tradition and Quality

The instantly recognizable blue-green color on Heinz Beanz cans is more than just a pretty shade. It's a trademarked color that has been used by the company for over 130 years.

The color was first used in 1885, when Heinz introduced its first line of canned baked beans. The company chose the color because it was thought to be appealing to the British palate. The blue-green color is also associated with freshness and quality, which are two qualities that Heinz wanted to convey with its baked beans.

Over the years, the Heinz Beanz blue color has become one of the most iconic colors in the world. It's instantly recognizable and is synonymous with the brand. In fact, Heinz has trademarked the color, which means that no other company can use it for marketing purposes.

The Heinz Beanz blue color is more than just a marketing tool. It's also a symbol of tradition and quality. For over 130 years, Heinz has been using the same color on its baked beans cans. This consistency has helped to build trust with consumers and has made Heinz Beanz one of the most popular canned foods in the world.

In recent years, Heinz has taken steps to ensure that the Heinz Beanz blue color is consistent across all of its products and packaging. The company uses a cloud-based color system called PantoneLIVE to ensure that the color is always the same, regardless of where it is printed or on what substrate.

The Heinz Beanz blue color is a powerful asset for the company. It's a color that is instantly recognizable and is associated with freshness, quality, and tradition. Heinz has done a great job of protecting and using this color to its advantage.

Here are some of the reasons why the Heinz Beanz blue color is so effective:

  • It's a unique and distinctive color that is instantly recognizable.
  • It's associated with freshness, quality, and tradition.
  • It's consistent across all of Heinz's products and packaging.
  • It's a powerful marketing tool that helps to build brand awareness and trust.

The Heinz Beanz blue color is a valuable asset that has helped to make the brand one of the most successful in the world. It's a color that is instantly recognizable and is associated with quality and tradition. Heinz has done a great job of protecting and using this color to its advantage.