Hostinger Colors

The Hostinger colors are Hostinger Slate Blue, we recommend using the Hostinger color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Hostinger Official Website

Hostinger color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #674cc4
RGB Color: 103 76 196
  • #674cc4

Hostinger color Palette Download

Download the Hostinger color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Hostinger Brand Colors

Hostinger is a popular web hosting provider that offers a wide range of hosting services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. The company's brand colors are a key part of its identity and help to create a consistent and professional branding across all of its marketing materials.

The primary color of the Hostinger brand is blue. This color is often associated with trust, dependability, and security, which are all important qualities for a web hosting provider. The blue color is also used to create a sense of calmness and peace, which can be helpful for users who are looking for a reliable and stress-free hosting experience.

The secondary color of the Hostinger brand is green. This color is often associated with growth, innovation, and freshness, which are all qualities that Hostinger strives to embody. The green color is also used to create a sense of optimism and hope, which can be helpful for users who are looking for a hosting provider that is committed to providing the best possible service.

The tertiary color of the Hostinger brand is orange. This color is often associated with energy, excitement, and creativity, which are all qualities that Hostinger believes are important for its users. The orange color is also used to create a sense of fun and excitement, which can be helpful for users who are looking for a hosting provider that is not afraid to be different.

The Hostinger brand colors are used throughout the company's website, marketing materials, and social media channels. The colors are used in a consistent and cohesive way, which helps to create a strong and memorable brand identity.

How to use Hostinger brand colors

If you are creating marketing materials for Hostinger, it is important to use the company's brand colors in a consistent and cohesive way. You can find the official Hostinger brand colors on the company's website.

Here are some tips for using Hostinger brand colors:

  • Use the primary color, blue, as the dominant color in your marketing materials.
  • Use the secondary color, green, as an accent color to add interest and variety.
  • Use the tertiary color, orange, sparingly to add a touch of excitement.
  • Make sure that the colors you use are consistent with the overall branding of Hostinger.

By following these tips, you can create marketing materials that are both visually appealing and on-brand.


The Hostinger brand colors are a key part of the company's identity. The colors are used throughout the company's website, marketing materials, and social media channels to create a strong and memorable brand identity. If you are creating marketing materials for Hostinger, it is important to use the company's brand colors in a consistent and cohesive way.