Hyundai Glovis Colors

The Hyundai Glovis colors are Hyundai Glovis Dark Cerulean, we recommend using the Hyundai Glovis color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Hyundai Glovis Official Website

Hyundai Glovis color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #004181
RGB Color: 0 65 129
  • #004181

Hyundai Glovis color Palette Download

Download the Hyundai Glovis color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Hyundai Glovis Brand Colors

Hyundai Glovis is a South Korean logistics company that is part of the Hyundai Motor Group. The company's brand colors are royal blue, gold, and silver.

The royal blue color is the primary color of the Hyundai Glovis brand. It is a vibrant and confident color that symbolizes youth, trust, and innovation. The gold color is used as an accent color to add a touch of luxury and sophistication. The silver color is used to create a sense of stability and reliability.

The Hyundai Glovis brand colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, website, and physical locations. They help to create a strong and consistent brand identity that reflects the company's values and goals.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the meaning of each of the Hyundai Glovis brand colors:

  • Royal blue: This color symbolizes youth, trust, and innovation. It is a vibrant and confident color that is often associated with success and progress.
  • Gold: This color symbolizes luxury, sophistication, and wealth. It is a warm and inviting color that is often used to create a sense of prestige.
  • Silver: This color symbolizes stability, reliability, and efficiency. It is a cool and calming color that is often used to create a sense of professionalism.

The combination of these three colors creates a balanced and harmonious brand identity that is both modern and timeless. The Hyundai Glovis brand colors are a powerful tool that helps the company to connect with its customers and stakeholders on a deeper level.

Here are some examples of how Hyundai Glovis uses its brand colors:

  • The company's logo is a simple blue wordmark with a gold accent.
  • The company's website uses a royal blue background with gold and silver accents.
  • The company's physical locations use royal blue, gold, and silver signage and branding.

The Hyundai Glovis brand colors are a key part of the company's marketing and branding strategy. They help to create a strong and consistent brand identity that reflects the company's values and goals.