iBall Colors

The iBall colors are iBall Falu Red, iBall Upsdell Red, iBall Red (Pigment), iBall Salmon, iBall Melon, iBall Raisin Black, we recommend using the iBall color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. iBall Official Website

iBall color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #821f21
RGB Color: 130 31 33
Hex Color: #af262b
RGB Color: 175 38 43
Hex Color: #ec1c24
RGB Color: 236 28 36
Hex Color: #f48366
RGB Color: 244 131 102
Hex Color: #fabda7
RGB Color: 250 189 167
Hex Color: #231f20
RGB Color: 35 31 32
  • #821f21
  • #af262b
  • #ec1c24
  • #f48366
  • #fabda7
  • #231f20

iBall color Palette Download

Download the iBall color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

iBall Brand Colors

iBall is an Indian consumer electronics brand that was founded in 2001. The company's products include laptops, tablets, smartphones, storage devices, and peripherals. iBall's brand colors are black, red, and yellow.

  • Black is a color that is often associated with power, sophistication, and elegance. It is a versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways. In iBall's branding, black is used to convey a sense of professionalism and trust.
  • Red is a color that is often associated with passion, energy, and excitement. It is a bold color that can be used to grab attention. In iBall's branding, red is used to convey a sense of excitement and innovation.
  • Yellow is a color that is often associated with happiness, optimism, and creativity. It is a cheerful color that can be used to create a sense of energy and fun. In iBall's branding, yellow is used to convey a sense of youthfulness and vitality.

The combination of black, red, and yellow is a bold and eye-catching color scheme that is well-suited for iBall's target audience of young, tech-savvy consumers. The colors are also used in a variety of ways throughout iBall's branding, including on the company's website, packaging, and marketing materials.

The use of black, red, and yellow in iBall's branding helps to create a sense of excitement, innovation, and youthfulness. These are all qualities that are important to the company's target audience, and they help to differentiate iBall from its competitors.


iBall's brand colors are a key part of the company's branding strategy. The colors are used in a variety of ways to create a sense of excitement, innovation, and youthfulness. These qualities are important to iBall's target audience, and they help to differentiate the company from its competitors.