ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Colors

The ICC Men’s T20 World Cup colors are ICC Men’s T20 Dark Cerulean, ICC Men’s T20 Lapis Lazuli, ICC Men’s T20 Cerise, ICC Men’s T20 Rich Electric Blue, ICC Men’s T20 Vampire Black, we recommend using the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Official Website

ICC Men’s T20 World Cup color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #133a75
RGB Color: 19 58 117
Hex Color: #1c5d9c
RGB Color: 28 93 156
Hex Color: #da2c5a
RGB Color: 218 44 90
Hex Color: #02a7d1
RGB Color: 2 167 209
Hex Color: #0a0a0a
RGB Color: 10 10 10
  • #133a75
  • #1c5d9c
  • #da2c5a
  • #02a7d1
  • #0a0a0a

ICC Men’s T20 World Cup color Palette Download

Download the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

ICC Men's T20 World Cup Brand Colors

The ICC Men's T20 World Cup is one of the most popular cricket tournaments in the world, and its brand colors play an important role in its identity. The official brand colors for the tournament are blue, orange, and white.

  • Blue represents the excitement and energy of the game of cricket. It is also a color that is associated with many of the participating teams, such as India, England, and Australia.
  • Orange represents the passion and enthusiasm of the fans. It is also a color that is associated with innovation and creativity, which are two key elements of the T20 format.
  • White represents purity and simplicity. It is a color that is often used to represent the start of something new, which is appropriate for a tournament that is constantly evolving.

The combination of these three colors creates a vibrant and dynamic brand identity that is perfectly suited for the T20 World Cup. The colors are used throughout the tournament's branding, including in the logo, marketing materials, and merchandise.

In addition to the official brand colors, the ICC Men's T20 World Cup also uses a variety of other colors to represent the participating teams. For example, India's team colors are blue and orange, while England's team colors are red and white. These colors are used in the team logos, uniforms, and other branding materials.

The use of color is an important part of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup brand identity. The colors help to create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere that is both exciting and engaging. They also help to identify the tournament and its participating teams, and to create a sense of community among fans.

Here are some of the ways that the ICC Men's T20 World Cup brand colors are used:

  • The logo: The logo for the ICC Men's T20 World Cup features a stylized cricket ball with the official brand colors of blue, orange, and white.
  • Marketing materials: The ICC uses the brand colors in its marketing materials, such as posters, flyers, and social media graphics.
  • Merchandise: The ICC sells merchandise with the brand colors, such as clothing, hats, and accessories.
  • Team logos: The participating teams use the brand colors in their logos.
  • Uniforms: The participating teams wear uniforms with the brand colors.

The ICC Men's T20 World Cup brand colors are an important part of the tournament's identity. They help to create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere that is both exciting and engaging. They also help to identify the tournament and its participating teams, and to create a sense of community among fans.