Italcementi Colors

The Italcementi colors are Italcementi Dark Tangerine, Italcementi Licorice, we recommend using the Italcementi color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Italcementi Official Website

Italcementi color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #fca415
RGB Color: 252 164 21
Hex Color: #1a1411
RGB Color: 26 20 17
  • #fca415
  • #1a1411

Italcementi color Palette Download

Download the Italcementi color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Italcementi Brand Colors: A Symbol of Strength and Innovation

Italcementi is a leading global manufacturer of cement and building materials. The company's brand colors, yellow and black, are a symbol of its strength and innovation.

The yellow color represents the company's commitment to sustainability and its use of renewable resources. It is also a vibrant and energetic color that reflects the company's spirit of innovation. The black color represents the company's strength and durability. It is a classic and timeless color that evokes a sense of trust and reliability.

The combination of yellow and black is a powerful and striking visual identity that communicates the company's core values. The colors are used throughout the company's branding, from its logo to its website to its product packaging.

The Italcementi brand colors are a strong and effective way to communicate the company's identity to its customers and stakeholders. The colors are both visually appealing and meaningful, and they help to create a positive impression of the company.

Here is a more detailed look at the two colors and their symbolism:


  • Sustainability: Yellow is often associated with the sun, which is a symbol of renewable energy. Italcementi is committed to using renewable resources in its manufacturing process, and the yellow color reflects this commitment.
  • Energy: Yellow is also a vibrant and energetic color. It evokes a sense of excitement and optimism, which are qualities that Italcementi wants to be associated with.
  • Innovation: Yellow is also a color that is often associated with innovation. Italcementi is a company that is constantly innovating, and the yellow color reflects this spirit of innovation.


  • Strength: Black is a color that is often associated with strength and durability. Italcementi is a strong and reliable company, and the black color reflects this strength.
  • Trust: Black is also a color that is often associated with trust and reliability. Italcementi is a company that customers can trust, and the black color reflects this trust.
  • Timelessness: Black is a classic and timeless color. Italcementi is a company that has been around for over 100 years, and the black color reflects this timelessness.

The combination of yellow and black is a powerful and striking visual identity that communicates the company's core values. The colors are both visually appealing and meaningful, and they help to create a positive impression of the company.