Johnson Controls Colors

The Johnson Controls colors are Johnson Controls Cyan (Process), Johnson Controls Rich Electric Blue, Johnson Controls USAFA Blue, Johnson Controls Air Force Blue (USAF), Johnson Controls Jungle Green, Johnson Controls Apple Green, we recommend using the Johnson Controls color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Johnson Controls Official Website

Johnson Controls color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #00b8e0
RGB Color: 0 184 224
Hex Color: #0399cc
RGB Color: 3 153 204
Hex Color: #0554a3
RGB Color: 5 84 163
Hex Color: #08338f
RGB Color: 8 51 143
Hex Color: #29b582
RGB Color: 41 181 130
Hex Color: #7dba00
RGB Color: 125 186 0
  • #00b8e0
  • #0399cc
  • #0554a3
  • #08338f
  • #29b582
  • #7dba00

Johnson Controls color Palette Download

Download the Johnson Controls color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Johnson Controls Brand Colors

Johnson Controls is a global leader in building technology and solutions. The company's brand colors are blue and green, which are used to represent the company's commitment to sustainability, innovation, and reliability.

The primary brand color for Johnson Controls is blue. Blue is a calming and refreshing color that is often associated with trust, dependability, and security. It is also a symbol of the sky and the environment, which are important to Johnson Controls' mission to make the world more sustainable.

The secondary brand color for Johnson Controls is green. Green is a symbol of nature, growth, and renewal. It is also associated with peace, harmony, and balance. These qualities are all important to Johnson Controls' commitment to sustainability and its focus on creating a better future for the world.

The combination of blue and green is a powerful one that conveys a sense of trust, reliability, and environmental responsibility. These are all qualities that are important to Johnson Controls, and they are reflected in the company's brand colors.

How Johnson Controls Uses Its Brand Colors

Johnson Controls uses its brand colors in a variety of ways to promote its products and services. The colors are featured prominently in the company's logo, website, and marketing materials. They are also used in the design of Johnson Controls' products, such as its building automation systems and HVAC equipment.

The use of brand colors is an important part of Johnson Controls' overall branding strategy. The colors help to create a consistent and cohesive visual identity for the company. They also help to communicate the company's values and mission to its customers and stakeholders.

The Meaning of Johnson Controls Brand Colors

The colors blue and green have a number of meanings that are relevant to Johnson Controls. Blue is often associated with trust, dependability, and security. These are all qualities that are important to Johnson Controls, as the company provides essential products and services to businesses and organizations around the world.

Green is a symbol of nature, growth, and renewal. These qualities are also important to Johnson Controls, as the company is committed to sustainability and making the world a better place. The combination of blue and green reflects Johnson Controls' commitment to providing reliable and sustainable products and services.


Johnson Controls' brand colors are a powerful symbol of the company's values and mission. The colors are used consistently throughout the company's branding materials, and they help to create a strong and memorable visual identity for Johnson Controls.