JOOX Colors

The JOOX colors are JOOX Guppie Green, JOOX Black, we recommend using the JOOX color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. JOOX Official Website

JOOX color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #00de75
RGB Color: 0 222 117
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #00de75
  • #000000

JOOX color Palette Download

Download the JOOX color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

JOOX Brand Colors: A Symbol of Elegance, Actuality, and Strength

JOOX is a popular music streaming service with over 600 million users worldwide. The company's brand colors, black and white, are a timeless combination that represents the elegance, actuality, and strength of the brand.

Black is often associated with power, sophistication, and luxury. It is a color that commands attention and creates a sense of authority. White, on the other hand, is associated with purity, simplicity, and freshness. It is a color that is often used to represent cleanliness and new beginnings.

The combination of black and white is a powerful one that can be used to create a variety of different moods and atmospheres. In the case of JOOX, the use of these colors helps to create a sense of sophistication and luxury that is befitting of a leading music streaming service.

The black and white color palette is also used consistently throughout JOOX's branding, from the logo to the website to the app. This helps to create a strong and unified brand identity that is instantly recognizable.

In addition to being elegant and sophisticated, the black and white color palette also represents the actuality and strength of JOOX. The company is constantly expanding its audience and music library, and the use of these colors reflects this growth and vitality.

The black and white color palette is a perfect fit for JOOX's brand. It is a timeless combination that represents the elegance, actuality, and strength of the company. The use of these colors helps to create a strong and unified brand identity that is instantly recognizable.

Here are some of the benefits of using black and white as brand colors:

  • Black and white are timeless colors that will never go out of style.
  • They are versatile colors that can be used to create a variety of different moods and atmospheres.
  • They are easy to read and understand, which is important for branding.
  • They are associated with power, sophistication, and luxury, which can be beneficial for certain brands.

If you are considering using black and white as brand colors, here are some tips:

  • Use a high-contrast ratio between the black and white colors. This will help to create a more visually striking look.
  • Use black and white in moderation. Too much of either color can be overwhelming.
  • Add a splash of color to your branding to break up the monotony of black and white.

Overall, black and white are excellent brand colors for companies that want to create a sense of elegance, actuality, and strength. The use of these colors can help to create a strong and unified brand identity that is instantly recognizable.