KitKat Colors: A Palette of Crunchy Indulgence, Global Appeal, and a Touch of Playfulness

The KitKat colors are Blood Orange, we recommend using the KitKat color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. KitKat Official Website

KitKat color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #d70021
RGB Color: 215 0 33
  • #d70021

KitKat color Palette Download

Download the KitKat color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

KitKat Colors: A Palette of Crunchy Indulgence, Global Appeal, and a Touch of Playfulness

In the realm of confections, KitKat stands out as a global icon, renowned for its crispy wafer fingers, smooth chocolate coating, and a touch of playful innovation that has captivated taste buds worldwide. At the heart of this success lies a carefully curated color palette that embodies the brand's core values, resonates with diverse cultures, and has shaped its identity for over 80 years.

A Symphony of Red and White: A Visual Representation of KitKat's Essence

The KitKat color palette consists of two primary hues:

  • Red: A symbol of excitement, passion, and a touch of indulgence, red represents KitKat's commitment to creating irresistible chocolate treats that spark joy and satisfaction.

  • White: A symbol of purity, simplicity, and a touch of global appeal, white represents KitKat's commitment to using high-quality ingredients and crafting a product that appeals to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

The harmonious blend of these colors creates a cohesive visual identity that is both bold and approachable. Red provides a burst of energy and excitement, while white balances the vibrancy with a sense of purity and simplicity. This combination has become synonymous with KitKat, instantly recognizable on store shelves and in the hands of chocolate lovers worldwide.

A Palette that Resonates with Diverse Cultures

KitKat's color palette is not just a visual aesthetic; it's a strategic tool that resonates with diverse cultures across the globe. The combination of red and white evokes feelings of excitement, satisfaction, and a touch of global connection. This synergy between color and brand messaging has been instrumental in shaping KitKat's reputation as a universally loved treat, inspiring millions of chocolate lovers to indulge in a touch of playful indulgence.

Colors in Action: KitKat's Brand Presence

KitKat's color palette is evident across all aspects of its brand presence, from its iconic logo and packaging design to its marketing materials and global product extensions. The consistent use of these colors reinforces the brand's identity and creates a cohesive visual experience for consumers. Whether browsing through a convenience store aisle, unwrapping a KitKat bar, or engaging with the brand's playful social media campaigns, consumers are consistently reminded of KitKat's promise of crunchy indulgence, global appeal, and a touch of playful innovation.


KitKat's color palette serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of color in branding. By carefully selecting and applying colors that align with its core values, KitKat has established a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with millions of chocolate lovers worldwide. The company's color palette is not just a visual aesthetic; it's an integral part of its brand DNA, shaping its communication, product design, and global outreach. In a competitive confectionery landscape, KitKat's color palette stands out as a beacon of indulgence, global connection, and a touch of playful innovation, inviting consumers to embrace the KitKat spirit and indulge in a moment of pure delight.