Lacoste Colors: A Palette of Timeless Elegance and Sports-Inspired Style

The Lacoste colors are British Racing Green, Venetian Red, black, we recommend using the Lacoste color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Lacoste Official Website

Lacoste color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #003f2d
RGB Color: 0 63 45
Hex Color: #cd1409
RGB Color: 205 20 9
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #004526
  • #db0026
  • #000000

Lacoste color Palette Download

Download the Lacoste color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Lacoste Colors: A Palette of Timeless Elegance and Sports-Inspired Style

In the realm of fashion, Lacoste stands as a beacon of timeless elegance, sports-inspired style, and a rich French heritage that dates back to 1933. Its distinctive logo, a crocodile intertwined with a tennis racquet, has become synonymous with the brand, representing athleticism, effortless sophistication, and a touch of playful charm. Lacoste's color palette, a harmonious blend of classic navy blue, vibrant green, and a touch of white, further reinforces the brand's identity and resonates with its global audience.

A Legacy of Navy Blue: Embracing Tradition and Sophistication

At the heart of Lacoste's color palette lies the timeless elegance of navy blue, officially known as "Lacoste Navy" or "PMS 2925 C." This sophisticated hue evokes feelings of tradition, depth, and a touch of French chic. It symbolizes the brand's origins in the world of tennis, where navy blue was a staple color for sportswear. The use of navy blue is prominent in Lacoste's iconic polo shirts, clothing, and branding elements, creating a visually striking and instantly recognizable brand identity.

A Splash of Vibrant Green: Adding a Touch of Athleticism and Renewal

Complementing the classic navy blue is a splash of vibrant green, officially known as "Lacoste Green" or "PMS 330 C." This energizing hue represents the brand's deep connection to tennis, the color of the tennis court, and a touch of youthful exuberance. Green is often used in Lacoste's branding elements, marketing materials, and limited-edition products, adding a touch of vitality and innovation to the brand's identity.

A Touch of White: Adding Purity, Versatility, and a Touch of Tennis Tradition

Balancing the sophisticated navy blue and the vibrant green is the timeless purity of white. This versatile hue represents simplicity, cleanliness, and a touch of tennis tradition. White is often used in Lacoste's polo shirts, clothing accents, and branding elements, providing a neutral backdrop for the brand's bolder colors and creating a sense of balance and visual harmony.

A Palette that Resonates with Consumers

Lacoste's choice of colors is not merely aesthetic; it is strategically chosen to evoke feelings of timeless elegance, sports-inspired style, and a touch of French heritage. The combination of navy blue, green, and white has become synonymous with the brand, creating a strong emotional connection with consumers worldwide, particularly among those who appreciate classic style, effortless sophistication, and a touch of athleticism.

Color as a Storytelling Tool

Lacoste's color palette is also used to tell a story about the brand. The navy blue represents the brand's rich heritage, its roots in tennis, and a sense of timeless sophistication. The vibrant green signifies its connection to athleticism, a touch of youthful energy, and a commitment to innovation. The white adds a touch of purity, versatility, and the enduring appeal of classic French style. Together, these colors create a narrative that aligns with Lacoste's core values and its vision of providing stylish, comfortable, and enduring apparel for both casual and sporting occasions.

A Color Palette that Transcends Trends

Unlike many design trends that come and go, Lacoste's color palette has remained remarkably consistent throughout the brand's history. This enduring appeal lies in the colors' ability to transcend fleeting trends and embody the timeless values that Lacoste represents. The classic navy blue exudes feelings of sophistication and enduring style, the vibrant green adds a touch of energy and innovation, and the white provides balance, versatility, and the enduring appeal of French chic.


In conclusion, Lacoste's color palette is more than just a visual representation of a fashion brand; it is a powerful storytelling tool that reinforces the brand's values, resonates with its target audience, and contributes to its enduring success. Through its masterful use of color, Lacoste has established itself as a beacon of timeless elegance, sports-inspired style, and a touch of French heritage that has captivated consumers worldwide. As Lacoste continues to expand its global reach and introduce new fashion offerings, its iconic color palette will remain a symbol of sophistication, athleticism, and the enduring appeal of classic style.