Livingston International Colors

The Livingston International colors are Livingston Dark Cornflower Blue, we recommend using the Livingston International color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Livingston International Official Website

Livingston International color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #224091
RGB Color: 34 64 145
  • #224091

Livingston International color Palette Download

Download the Livingston International color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Livingston International is a global logistics company that specializes in international trade. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white. These colors are used throughout the company's branding, including its website, marketing materials, and company uniforms.

The blue color in Livingston International's branding represents trust, reliability, and stability. The green color represents growth, innovation, and sustainability. The white color represents clarity, simplicity, and efficiency.

These colors are a good fit for Livingston International because they reflect the company's core values. The blue color conveys the company's commitment to providing reliable and trustworthy services. The green color reflects the company's focus on innovation and sustainability. The white color conveys the company's commitment to clarity and efficiency.

The use of these colors in Livingston International's branding helps to create a strong and consistent brand identity. The colors are also visually appealing and help to make the company's branding more memorable.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the meaning of each of Livingston International's brand colors:

  • Blue: Blue is often associated with trust, reliability, and stability. These are all qualities that are important to Livingston International, as a company that specializes in international trade. The blue color in the company's branding helps to convey a sense of trustworthiness and reliability, which are essential for building relationships with customers and partners.
  • Green: Green is often associated with growth, innovation, and sustainability. These are all important values to Livingston International, as a company that is committed to helping its customers grow their businesses and operate in a more sustainable way. The green color in the company's branding helps to convey a sense of growth and innovation, which are essential for staying ahead of the competition.
  • White: White is often associated with clarity, simplicity, and efficiency. These are all qualities that are important to Livingston International, as a company that strives to provide its customers with clear and easy-to-understand information. The white color in the company's branding helps to convey a sense of clarity and simplicity, which are essential for making the company's services easy to use and understand.

Overall, the use of blue, green, and white in Livingston International's branding is a good fit for the company's core values and helps to create a strong and consistent brand identity. The colors are also visually appealing and help to make the company's branding more memorable.