Los Angeles Valiant Colors

The Los Angeles Valiant colors are Los Angeles Valiant Cyber Yellow, Los Angeles Valiant Cyan-Blue Azure, we recommend using the Los Angeles Valiant color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Los Angeles Valiant Official Website

Los Angeles Valiant color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #fbd100
RGB Color: 251 209 0
Hex Color: #3289c9
RGB Color: 50 137 201
  • #fbd100
  • #3289c9

Los Angeles Valiant color Palette Download

Download the Los Angeles Valiant color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Los Angeles Valiant Changes Colors to Blue and Yellow

The Los Angeles Valiant, an Overwatch League team, announced on January 7, 2020 that they would be changing their team colors from green and gold to blue and yellow. The new colors were unveiled in a video on the team's Twitter account, along with the tagline "There's no sky like SoCal's."

The team's general manager, Steve "Stevie" Arhancet, said that the decision to change colors was made in order to better represent the team's home region of Los Angeles. "We wanted to create a color scheme that was more reflective of the city and the fans," he said. "We think the new colors are bold, vibrant, and represent the energy of Los Angeles."

The new colors have been met with mixed reactions from fans. Some fans have expressed their support for the change, saying that the new colors are more modern and stylish. Others have expressed their disappointment, saying that they preferred the old colors.

Regardless of the fans' reaction, the Valiant are committed to their new colors. "We're excited to start this new chapter in our team's history," said Arhancet. "We believe that the new colors will help us to connect with our fans in a new way."

The Valiant's new colors are a bold and vibrant choice that is sure to turn heads. Whether or not you like the new colors, there is no denying that they are a major departure from the team's previous look. It will be interesting to see how the fans react to the change and how it affects the team's overall branding.

Why did the Los Angeles Valiant change colors?

The Los Angeles Valiant changed their colors in 2020 for a few reasons. First, the team wanted to better represent their home region of Los Angeles. The city's sports teams traditionally use blue and yellow, so the Valiant felt that these colors would be more familiar to fans. Second, the Valiant wanted to create a more modern and stylish look. The old colors were seen as being a bit dated, so the team wanted to update their branding. Finally, the Valiant wanted to create a more cohesive brand identity. The new colors are used across all of the team's branding materials, from their logo to their uniforms.

The change in colors was not without controversy. Some fans were unhappy with the change, as they felt that the old colors were more iconic. However, the Valiant have defended the decision, saying that the new colors are a better representation of the team and the city.

Only time will tell whether or not the change in colors was the right decision. However, there is no doubt that the Valiant are a more visually appealing team with their new colors.