Mitsubishi Materials Colors

The Mitsubishi Materials colors are Mitsubishi Materials Indigo (Rainbow), Mitsubishi Materials Orange (RYB), we recommend using the Mitsubishi Materials color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Mitsubishi Materials Official Website

Mitsubishi Materials color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #1f2b61
RGB Color: 31 43 97
Hex Color: #eb9500
RGB Color: 235 149 0
  • #1f2b61
  • #eb9500

Mitsubishi Materials color Palette Download

Download the Mitsubishi Materials color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Mitsubishi Materials Brand Colors

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation that manufactures and sells a wide range of materials, including metals, chemicals, and ceramics. The company's brand colors are blue and orange, which are used in its logo, website, and marketing materials.

The blue color in the Mitsubishi Materials logo represents strength, reliability, and trust. The orange color represents innovation, creativity, and passion. Together, these colors create a strong and vibrant brand identity that reflects the company's commitment to excellence.

The blue color is also used in the company's website and marketing materials. The blue background creates a sense of stability and trustworthiness, while the orange accents add a touch of energy and excitement. The overall color scheme is well-balanced and visually appealing, and it effectively conveys the company's message.

The use of blue and orange in Mitsubishi Materials' brand colors is both strategic and effective. The colors are carefully chosen to represent the company's core values and to create a strong and memorable brand identity. The colors are also used consistently across the company's marketing materials, which helps to create a unified and professional brand image.

The Meaning of Mitsubishi Materials Brand Colors

  • Blue: Strength, reliability, trust
  • Orange: Innovation, creativity, passion

How Mitsubishi Materials Uses Its Brand Colors

  • Logo: The blue and orange colors are used in the company's logo. The blue represents strength and reliability, while the orange represents innovation and creativity.
  • Website: The blue color is used as the background color on the company's website. The orange color is used for accents, such as the company's logo and call to action buttons.
  • Marketing Materials: The blue and orange colors are used in the company's marketing materials, such as brochures, flyers, and advertisements. The colors are used consistently to create a unified and professional brand image.


Mitsubishi Materials' brand colors are blue and orange. These colors are carefully chosen to represent the company's core values and to create a strong and memorable brand identity. The colors are also used consistently across the company's marketing materials, which helps to create a unified and professional brand image.