NNNOW Colors

The NNNOW colors are NNNOW Mexican Pink, NNNOW Eminence, NNNOW Pear, NNNOW Android Green, NNNOW Yellow Rose, NNNOW Blue (NCS), we recommend using the NNNOW color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. NNNOW Official Website

NNNOW color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #eb008a
RGB Color: 235 0 138
Hex Color: #6e2c8d
RGB Color: 110 44 141
Hex Color: #d5de22
RGB Color: 213 222 34
Hex Color: #b4d234
RGB Color: 180 210 52
Hex Color: #fff000
RGB Color: 255 240 0
Hex Color: #0082cb
RGB Color: 0 130 203
  • #eb008a
  • #6e2c8d
  • #d5de22
  • #b4d234
  • #fff000
  • #0082cb

NNNOW color Palette Download

Download the NNNOW color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

NNNOW is an Indian online fashion retailer that sells a wide range of branded clothes, apparel, accessories, and shoes. The company's branding is based on a simple yet effective color scheme that uses the colors black, white, and red.

The color black is used as the primary color for NNNOW's logo and website. It is a strong and versatile color that conveys a sense of sophistication and luxury. Black is also associated with power and authority, which are qualities that NNNOW wants to project to its customers.

The color white is used as an accent color in NNNOW's branding. It is a bright and refreshing color that helps to offset the darkness of black. White is also associated with cleanliness and purity, which are qualities that NNNOW wants to convey to its customers.

The color red is used sparingly in NNNOW's branding. It is a bold and attention-grabbing color that is often used to highlight important information. Red is also associated with passion and excitement, which are qualities that NNNOW wants to evoke in its customers.

The combination of black, white, and red is a classic and timeless color scheme that is perfect for a fashion retailer. The colors are complementary and work well together to create a sense of luxury and sophistication. The use of black as the primary color also helps to make NNNOW's branding stand out from the competition.

Here are some of the benefits of NNNOW's brand color scheme:

  • It is simple and easy to remember.
  • It is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts.
  • It is associated with positive qualities such as sophistication, luxury, and power.
  • It helps NNNOW's branding to stand out from the competition.

Overall, NNNOW's brand color scheme is effective in conveying the company's image of being a stylish and sophisticated online fashion retailer. The use of black, white, and red is a classic and timeless color scheme that is sure to appeal to a wide range of customers.