Norcem Colors

The Norcem colors are Norcem Raisin Black, Norcem Yale Blue, we recommend using the Norcem color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Norcem Official Website

Norcem color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #231f20
RGB Color: 35 31 32
Hex Color: #15569c
RGB Color: 21 86 156
  • #231f20
  • #15569c

Norcem color Palette Download

Download the Norcem color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Norcem Brand Colors: A Symbol of Strength and Sustainability

Norcem is a leading global supplier of cement and other building materials. The company's brand colors are a powerful symbol of its strength and sustainability.

The primary Norcem brand color is blue. Blue is often associated with strength, trust, and reliability. It is also a calming color that can evoke feelings of peace and tranquility. In Norcem's branding, blue represents the company's commitment to quality and its focus on creating sustainable products.

The secondary Norcem brand color is green. Green is associated with nature, growth, and sustainability. It is also a refreshing color that can evoke feelings of hope and optimism. In Norcem's branding, green represents the company's commitment to environmental responsibility and its vision for a better future.

The two brand colors are often used together to create a sense of balance and harmony. For example, the Norcem logo features a blue background with a green leaf. This combination of colors creates a sense of trust and reliability, while also conveying the company's commitment to sustainability.

Norcem's brand colors are used consistently across all of the company's marketing materials. This ensures that the brand is instantly recognizable and that its message is clear. The colors are also used in the company's physical locations, such as its factories and offices. This helps to create a sense of unity and consistency across the Norcem brand.

The use of blue and green as Norcem's brand colors is a smart and effective way to communicate the company's values. The colors are both visually appealing and they have positive associations. As a result, they help to create a strong and memorable brand identity for Norcem.

In addition to blue and green, Norcem also uses other colors in its branding. These colors include:

  • White: White is often used as a background color in Norcem's marketing materials. It creates a sense of space and cleanliness, and it helps to make the other colors stand out.
  • Black: Black is used to add a touch of sophistication and luxury to Norcem's branding. It is often used in conjunction with blue to create a sense of strength and power.
  • Gray: Gray is used to add a touch of neutrality to Norcem's branding. It is often used in conjunction with white to create a sense of balance and harmony.

The use of these additional colors helps to create a more dynamic and visually appealing brand identity for Norcem. The colors are all carefully chosen to complement each other and to reflect the company's values.

Overall, Norcem's brand colors are a powerful symbol of the company's strength, sustainability, and commitment to quality. The colors are used consistently across all of the company's marketing materials and physical locations, and they help to create a strong and memorable brand identity.