Norton AntiVirus Colors

The Norton AntiVirus colors are Norton AntiVirus Spanish Yellow, Norton AntiVirus Black, Norton AntiVirus Spanish Gray, we recommend using the Norton AntiVirus color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Norton AntiVirus Official Website

Norton AntiVirus color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #fdb511
RGB Color: 253 181 17
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
Hex Color: #9a9a9a
RGB Color: 154 154 154
  • #fdb511
  • #000000
  • #9a9a9a

Norton AntiVirus color Palette Download

Download the Norton AntiVirus color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Norton AntiVirus Brand Colors

The Norton AntiVirus brand uses a combination of yellow, black, and gray. These colors are meant to convey a sense of confidence, security, and reliability.

  • Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that is often associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. In the context of Norton AntiVirus, yellow represents the company's commitment to keeping users safe and secure online.
  • Black is a serious and authoritative color that is often associated with power, strength, and sophistication. In the context of Norton AntiVirus, black represents the company's expertise in cybersecurity.
  • Gray is a neutral color that is often associated with stability, reliability, and trustworthiness. In the context of Norton AntiVirus, gray represents the company's commitment to providing users with a secure and reliable online experience.

The combination of these three colors creates a strong and visually appealing brand identity that communicates Norton AntiVirus's core values.

In addition to the colors, the Norton AntiVirus logo also uses a simple and geometric design. The logo features a yellow circle with a black checkmark inside. The circle represents the company's commitment to protecting users from cyber threats, while the checkmark represents the company's promise of delivering a reliable and effective security solution.

The Norton AntiVirus brand colors and logo are an effective way to communicate the company's core values to potential customers. The colors are bright, cheerful, and authoritative, while the logo is simple and geometric. Together, they create a strong and visually appealing brand identity that helps to differentiate Norton AntiVirus from its competitors.

Recent changes to the Norton AntiVirus brand colors

In 2021, Norton AntiVirus updated its brand colors. The new colors are brighter and more optimistic than the previous colors. The yellow is now more vibrant, and the black is now more saturated. The gray has also been updated to be lighter and more modern.

The changes to the Norton AntiVirus brand colors reflect the company's commitment to providing a more positive and user-friendly experience for its customers. The brighter colors are meant to convey a sense of optimism and confidence, while the more modern design is meant to make the brand more approachable and relatable.

The updated Norton AntiVirus brand colors are a welcome change. They are more visually appealing and they better reflect the company's commitment to providing a positive and user-friendly experience for its customers.