Ola Cabs Colors

The Ola Cabs colors are Ola Cabs Pear, Ola Cabs Black, we recommend using the Ola Cabs color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Ola Cabs Official Website

Ola Cabs color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #d7df23
RGB Color: 215 223 35
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #d7df23
  • #000000

Ola Cabs color Palette Download

Download the Ola Cabs color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Ola Cabs Brand Colors

Ola Cabs is a popular ride-hailing service in India and other countries. The company's brand colors are black and yellow, which are used throughout its marketing materials, website, and app.

The black color in the Ola Cabs logo represents power, control, and authority. It is also a very versatile color that can be used in a variety of settings. The yellow color in the logo represents happiness, optimism, and energy. It is also a very noticeable color that can help to make the logo stand out.

The use of black and yellow in the Ola Cabs logo is a wise choice. These colors complement each other well and create a strong visual identity for the company. The black color provides a sense of stability and authority, while the yellow color adds a touch of brightness and energy.

In addition to the logo, black and yellow are also used in other aspects of the Ola Cabs brand. For example, the company's website uses a black background with yellow accents. This helps to create a visually appealing and easy-to-use website.

The Ola Cabs app also uses black and yellow. The app's interface is mostly black, with yellow accents used for buttons and other elements. This makes the app easy to use and navigate.

Overall, the use of black and yellow in the Ola Cabs brand is a well-thought-out decision. These colors are complementary, versatile, and noticeable. They help to create a strong visual identity for the company that is both memorable and effective.

The psychology of color in the Ola Cabs logo

The colors used in a logo can have a significant impact on how people perceive a brand. In the case of Ola Cabs, the use of black and yellow is a deliberate choice that is designed to evoke certain emotions in viewers.

Black is often associated with power, authority, and sophistication. It can also be seen as a symbol of mystery and intrigue. Yellow, on the other hand, is typically associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. It can also be seen as a symbol of creativity and innovation.

The combination of black and yellow in the Ola Cabs logo creates a sense of balance and harmony. The black provides a sense of stability and authority, while the yellow adds a touch of brightness and energy. This combination of colors is well-suited for a brand that is focused on providing reliable and efficient transportation services.

In addition to the psychological effects of color, the use of black and yellow in the Ola Cabs logo is also practical. These colors are highly visible, which is important for a brand that is trying to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The black and yellow logo is also easy to remember, which can help to build brand awareness.

Overall, the use of black and yellow in the Ola Cabs logo is a smart and effective choice. These colors are well-suited for the company's brand identity and they can help to evoke positive emotions in viewers.