Pacific Basin Shipping Limited Colors

The Pacific Basin Shipping Limited colors are Pacific Basin Medium Persian Blue, Pacific Basin Dark Gunmetal, we recommend using the Pacific Basin Shipping Limited color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Pacific Basin Shipping Limited Official Website

Pacific Basin Shipping Limited color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #005daa
RGB Color: 0 93 170
Hex Color: #162731
RGB Color: 22 39 49
  • #005daa
  • #162731

Pacific Basin Shipping Limited color Palette Download

Download the Pacific Basin Shipping Limited color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (PB) is a Hong Kong-based shipping company that specializes in the transportation of dry bulk cargoes. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white.

The blue color represents the vastness of the ocean, which is the company's primary operating environment. The green color represents the company's commitment to environmental sustainability. The white color represents purity and cleanliness, which are important qualities for a shipping company.

The company's brand colors are used in its logo, website, and marketing materials. The colors are also used in the company's ships, which are painted blue and white with a green stripe.

The company's brand colors are effective in communicating the company's key messages. The blue color conveys a sense of stability and reliability, which are important qualities for a shipping company. The green color conveys a sense of environmental responsibility, which is important for a company that operates in the maritime industry. The white color conveys a sense of purity and cleanliness, which are important qualities for a company that transports food and other essential goods.

The company's brand colors are also consistent with its overall branding strategy. The company's website uses a blue and green color scheme, and its marketing materials feature the company's logo, which is blue and white with a green stripe. The use of consistent brand colors throughout the company's marketing materials helps to create a strong and recognizable brand identity.

Overall, the company's brand colors are effective in communicating the company's key messages and creating a strong and recognizable brand identity.

Here are some additional details about the company's brand colors:

  • Blue: The blue color is used most prominently in the company's branding. It is the color of the company's logo, website, and ships. The blue color conveys a sense of stability, reliability, and trust. It is also a calming color, which can be helpful for a company that operates in a stressful industry like shipping.
  • Green: The green color is used less prominently in the company's branding, but it is still an important part of the overall color scheme. The green color conveys a sense of environmental responsibility and sustainability. It is also a color that is associated with nature, which is important for a company that operates in the maritime industry.
  • White: The white color is used to provide contrast to the blue and green colors. It also helps to create a sense of purity and cleanliness. The white color is a versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways.

The company's brand colors are carefully chosen to communicate the company's key messages and create a strong and recognizable brand identity. The colors are used consistently throughout the company's marketing materials, which helps to create a cohesive and professional brand image.