Preview Colors

The Preview colors are Preview Verdigris, Preview Chinese Green, Preview Naples Yellow, Preview Red-Violet (Crayola), Preview Raspberry Pink, Pale Red-Violet, Preview Medium Vermilion, Preview Jasper, Preview Brick Red, Preview Black Olive, we recommend using the Preview color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Preview Official Website

Preview color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #52b1b6
RGB Color: 82 177 182
Hex Color: #d5d156
RGB Color: 213 209 86
Hex Color: #f4cd5c
RGB Color: 244 205 92
Hex Color: #b8428d
RGB Color: 184 66 141
Hex Color: #d85f9a
RGB Color: 216 95 154
Hex Color: #e17a8c
RGB Color: 225 122 140
Hex Color: #de713e
RGB Color: 222 113 62
Hex Color: #d23d46
RGB Color: 210 61 70
Hex Color: #c83b52
RGB Color: 200 59 82
Hex Color: #404040
RGB Color: 64 64 64
  • #52b1b6
  • #d5d156
  • #f4cd5c
  • #b8428d
  • #d85f9a
  • #e17a8c
  • #de713e
  • #d23d46
  • #c83b52
  • #404040

Preview color Palette Download

Download the Preview color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Preview Brand Colors

Preview is a software company that develops tools for creating and sharing presentations. The company's brand colors are a key part of its identity, and they are used throughout its marketing materials, website, and software products.

The primary colors of the Preview brand are blue, yellow, and green. These colors are chosen for their positive and uplifting connotations. Blue is associated with trust, loyalty, and confidence, while yellow is associated with happiness, optimism, and creativity. Green is associated with nature, growth, and freshness.

The secondary colors of the Preview brand are black, white, and gray. These colors are used to provide contrast and to create a sense of sophistication. Black is associated with power, authority, and mystery, while white is associated with purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. Gray is associated with neutrality, balance, and stability.

The Preview brand colors are used in a variety of ways to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity. For example, the blue color is used as the background color for the Preview website, while the yellow and green colors are used for the company's logo and other marketing materials.

The use of color is an important part of branding, and the Preview brand colors are a great example of how color can be used to create a positive and memorable brand identity.

Here are some of the meanings of the Preview brand colors:

  • Blue: Trust, loyalty, confidence, calmness, peace
  • Yellow: Happiness, optimism, creativity, energy, fun
  • Green: Nature, growth, freshness, health, harmony
  • Black: Power, authority, mystery, sophistication, elegance
  • White: Purity, simplicity, cleanliness, freshness, openness
  • Gray: Neutrality, balance, stability, seriousness, sophistication

How are the Preview brand colors used in the company's marketing materials?

The Preview brand colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, including its website, brochures, and social media posts. The colors are used to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity. For example, the blue color is used as the background color for the Preview website, while the yellow and green colors are used for the company's logo and other marketing materials.

The Preview brand colors are also used to create a sense of excitement and energy. For example, the company's social media posts often feature bright and vibrant colors that grab attention. This helps to create a sense of excitement and energy around the Preview brand.

How can you use the Preview brand colors in your own branding?

If you are looking to create a branding that is positive, uplifting, and visually appealing, then you can consider using the Preview brand colors. The colors are associated with positive emotions, such as happiness, optimism, and creativity. They can also be used to create a sense of excitement and energy.

If you are using the Preview brand colors in your own branding, it is important to use them consistently. This will help to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. You should also use the colors in a way that is appropriate for your target audience. For example, if your target audience is young professionals, then you might want to use brighter and more vibrant colors.


The Preview brand colors are a great example of how color can be used to create a positive and memorable brand identity. If you are looking to create a branding that is positive, uplifting, and visually appealing, then you can consider using the Preview brand colors.