Realme Chinese Colors

The Realme Chinese colors are Realme Chinese Black, Realme Metallic Yellow, we recommend using the Realme Chinese color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Realme Chinese Official Website

Realme Chinese color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #111111
RGB Color: 17 17 17
Hex Color: #ffc916
RGB Color: 255 201 22
  • #111111
  • #ffc916

Realme Chinese color Palette Download

Download the Realme Chinese color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Realme Chinese Brand Colors: A Celebration of Youthful Style

Realme is a Chinese smartphone brand that is known for its stylish and affordable devices. The company's color choices are a big part of its appeal, and they often reflect the brand's target audience of young people.

Some of the most popular Realme colors include:

  • Diamond Black: This sleek and sophisticated color is a classic choice for those who want a phone that looks both stylish and professional.
  • Solar Red: This vibrant and eye-catching color is perfect for those who want to make a statement with their phone.
  • Moonlight Silver: This elegant and understated color is a great choice for those who want a phone that is both stylish and timeless.
  • Sunshower: This refreshing and youthful color is perfect for those who want a phone that reflects their personality.
  • Rainy Night: This moody and atmospheric color is perfect for those who want a phone that is both stylish and unique.

In addition to these popular colors, Realme also offers a variety of other colors, including gradient colors, metallic colors, and pastel colors. The company's color choices are constantly evolving, so there is always something new to discover.

Realme's color choices are more than just a way to make their phones look good. They are also a way for the company to connect with its target audience of young people. The colors reflect the brand's youthful and vibrant spirit, and they help to create a sense of community among Realme users.

If you are looking for a stylish and affordable smartphone, Realme is a great option. The company's color choices are sure to have something to appeal to everyone, and they help to make Realme phones some of the most stylish on the market.

Here are some additional thoughts on Realme's Chinese brand colors:

  • The colors are often bold and vibrant, reflecting the brand's youthful and energetic image.
  • The colors are also often inspired by nature, with names like "Sunshower" and "Rainy Night."
  • The colors are often used in gradient designs, which create a dynamic and eye-catching look.
  • The colors are a key part of Realme's brand identity, and they help to set the company apart from its competitors.

Overall, Realme's Chinese brand colors are a bold and stylish way to express your individuality. If you are looking for a smartphone that is both stylish and affordable, Realme is a great option.