R+L Carriers Colors

The R+L Carriers colors are La Salle Green, we recommend using the R+L Carriers color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. R+L Carriers Official Website

R+L Carriers color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0f6d38
RGB Color: 15 109 56
  • #0f6d38

R+L Carriers color Palette Download

Download the R+L Carriers color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

R+L Carriers: A Look at Their Brand Colors

R+L Carriers is a leading transportation and logistics company that has been in business for over 75 years. The company's brand colors are a key part of its identity, and they are used throughout its marketing materials, website, and fleet of vehicles.

The primary brand color for R+L Carriers is blue. This color is associated with trust, reliability, and dependability, which are all important qualities for a transportation company. The blue color is also used to evoke a sense of calm and peace, which can be reassuring for customers who are shipping their goods.

The secondary brand color for R+L Carriers is green. This color is associated with growth, sustainability, and environmental responsibility. R+L Carriers is committed to environmental sustainability, and the green color is a way to communicate this commitment to its customers.

The two brand colors are often used together, as in the company's logo. The blue color is used for the background, and the green color is used for the text and the logo's truck. This combination of colors creates a sense of balance and harmony, which is appropriate for a transportation company that is committed to both reliability and sustainability.

In addition to blue and green, R+L Carriers also uses other colors in its branding, such as white, black, and yellow. These colors are used to create contrast and emphasis, and they help to make the company's branding more visually appealing.

Overall, the brand colors for R+L Carriers are well-chosen and effective. They communicate the company's values and its commitment to reliability, sustainability, and environmental responsibility.

Here are some additional details about R+L Carriers' brand colors:

  • Blue: The shade of blue used by R+L Carriers is a light, sky blue. This color is calming and reassuring, and it evokes a sense of trust and reliability.
  • Green: The shade of green used by R+L Carriers is a bright, emerald green. This color is associated with growth, sustainability, and environmental responsibility.
  • White: White is used as a neutral color in R+L Carriers' branding. It is used to create contrast and emphasis, and it helps to make the company's branding more visually appealing.
  • Black: Black is used sparingly in R+L Carriers' branding. It is used to add a touch of sophistication and elegance, and it helps to make the company's branding more visually striking.
  • Yellow: Yellow is used in a limited way in R+L Carriers' branding. It is used to add a touch of brightness and energy, and it helps to make the company's branding more visually appealing.

How do R+L Carriers' brand colors impact their customers?

R+L Carriers' brand colors have a positive impact on their customers. The colors are calming and reassuring, which makes customers feel confident that their goods will be shipped safely and efficiently. The colors also evoke a sense of growth and sustainability, which makes customers feel good about doing business with a company that is committed to environmental responsibility.

Overall, R+L Carriers' brand colors are well-chosen and effective. They communicate the company's values and its commitment to reliability, sustainability, and environmental responsibility.