Royal Canin Permanen Colors

The Royal Canin Permanen colors are Royal Canin Permanent Geranium Lake, we recommend using the Royal Canin Permanen color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Royal Canin Permanen Official Website

Royal Canin Permanen color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #e42c31
RGB Color: 228 44 49
  • #e42c31

Royal Canin Permanen color Palette Download

Download the Royal Canin Permanen color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Royal Canin Permanen Brand Colors

Royal Canin is a leading manufacturer of pet food, and their brand colors are a key part of their visual identity. The two main colors used in the Royal Canin brand are scarlet red and white.

The scarlet red color is a bold and vibrant shade that is often associated with passion, energy, and excitement. It is a great color for a pet food brand because it conveys the idea that Royal Canin is a brand that is passionate about providing the best possible nutrition for pets.

The white color is used as a background color in the Royal Canin brand, and it helps to create a sense of balance and harmony. White is also associated with purity and cleanliness, which are important qualities for a pet food brand.

The combination of scarlet red and white is a classic and effective color scheme that is used by many other brands. It is a color scheme that is both eye-catching and memorable, and it helps to create a strong and positive brand identity for Royal Canin.

In addition to the scarlet red and white colors, Royal Canin also uses a variety of other colors in their branding. These colors include black, gray, and blue. These colors are used to create a sense of sophistication and luxury, and they help to make the Royal Canin brand stand out from the competition.

The use of color is an important part of the Royal Canin brand identity. The colors used in the brand are carefully chosen to convey the right message to consumers. The scarlet red and white colors are used to create a sense of passion, energy, and excitement. The other colors used in the brand, such as black, gray, and blue, are used to create a sense of sophistication and luxury. The overall effect is a brand that is both eye-catching and memorable.

Here are some of the meanings of the Royal Canin brand colors:

  • Scarlet red: Passion, energy, excitement, royalty, power
  • White: Purity, cleanliness, simplicity, freshness
  • Black: Elegance, sophistication, luxury, power
  • Gray: Modernity, sophistication, neutrality
  • Blue: Trust, loyalty, stability, intelligence

The use of these colors in the Royal Canin brand helps to create a sense of quality, trust, and reliability. It also helps to convey the brand's message of providing the best possible nutrition for pets.


The Royal Canin brand colors are an important part of the brand's visual identity. The colors used in the brand are carefully chosen to convey the right message to consumers. The scarlet red and white colors are used to create a sense of passion, energy, and excitement. The other colors used in the brand, such as black, gray, and blue, are used to create a sense of sophistication and luxury. The overall effect is a brand that is both eye-catching and memorable.