Snapple Colors

The Snapple colors are Snapple American Yellow, Snapple Cobalt Blue, we recommend using the Snapple color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Snapple Official Website

Snapple color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #f1af00
RGB Color: 241 175 0
Hex Color: #0052a7
RGB Color: 0 82 167
  • #f1af00
  • #0052a7

Snapple color Palette Download

Download the Snapple color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The Snapple Brand Colors

The Snapple brand colors are a key part of its identity. The vibrant blue, white, and green colors are instantly recognizable and evoke a sense of freshness and fun.

The blue color is the most prominent color in the Snapple logo. It represents the water that is used to make Snapple beverages, as well as the sky and the ocean. The blue color also conveys a sense of cleanliness and purity.

The white color is used for the text in the Snapple logo. It is a bright and eye-catching color that helps to make the logo stand out. The white color also represents the purity of the ingredients that are used in Snapple beverages.

The green color is used to add a touch of freshness and naturalness to the Snapple brand. It is also a reminder of the apple juice that was the original focus of the company. The green color is often used in the background of Snapple marketing materials, as well as in the designs of the Snapple bottles themselves.

The combination of blue, white, and green is a classic and timeless color scheme that is perfect for the Snapple brand. These colors are associated with freshness, fun, and naturalness, which are all qualities that are important to the Snapple brand.

In addition to the main blue, white, and green colors, Snapple also uses other colors in its branding. For example, the color orange is often used to represent Snapple's citrus flavors, such as orange juice and peach iced tea. The color red is sometimes used to represent Snapple's raspberry iced tea flavor.

The Snapple brand colors are carefully chosen to create a cohesive and consistent brand identity. These colors are used across all of Snapple's marketing materials, from the logo to the packaging to the advertising. The use of these colors helps to create a strong and recognizable brand that is instantly associated with freshness, fun, and naturalness.

Here are some of the meanings of the Snapple brand colors:

  • Blue: Water, sky, ocean, cleanliness, purity
  • White: Purity, freshness, clarity
  • Green: Freshness, naturalness, apple juice
  • Orange: Citrus flavors, sunshine, energy
  • Red: Raspberry flavor, excitement, passion

The Snapple brand colors are a key part of its success. They are instantly recognizable and evoke a sense of freshness, fun, and naturalness. These colors are used across all of Snapple's marketing materials, helping to create a strong and recognizable brand.