Snapseed Colors

The Snapseed colors are Snapseed Cal Poly Pomona Green, Snapseed Philippine Green, Snapseed Medium Sea Green, Inchworm, Snapseed Yellow-Green (Crayola), Snapseed Dollar Bill, we recommend using the Snapseed color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Snapseed Official Website

Snapseed color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0b552b
RGB Color: 11 85 43
Hex Color: #0b8142
RGB Color: 11 129 66
Hex Color: #32ac71
RGB Color: 50 172 113
Hex Color: #b2ff59
RGB Color: 178 255 89
Hex Color: #aed580
RGB Color: 174 213 128
Hex Color: #8bc249
RGB Color: 139 194 73
  • #0b552b
  • #0b8142
  • #32ac71
  • #b2ff59
  • #aed580
  • #8bc249

Snapseed color Palette Download

Download the Snapseed color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Snapseed Brand Colors

Snapseed is a mobile photo editing app developed by Google. It is known for its powerful tools and intuitive interface. The app's brand colors are a key part of its visual identity.

The Snapseed brand colors are:

  • Primary: #0B552B (dark green)
  • Secondary: #0B8142 (lime green)
  • Accent: #32AC71 (teal)
  • Highlight: #B2FF59 (yellow)
  • Neutral: #AED580 (goldenrod)
  • Dark: #8BC249 (light green)

These colors are used throughout the Snapseed app, from the logo to the user interface. They are also used in marketing materials, such as the app's website and social media pages.

The Snapseed brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the app's personality. The primary color, dark green, is associated with nature and growth. The secondary color, lime green, is more vibrant and represents creativity. The accent color, teal, is calming and inviting. The highlight color, yellow, is eye-catching and represents excitement. The neutral colors, goldenrod and light green, are versatile and can be used to create a variety of moods. The dark color, dark green, is sophisticated and provides a sense of depth.

The Snapseed brand colors are a well-chosen palette that helps to create a distinctive and memorable visual identity for the app. They are also used effectively in marketing materials to promote the app and its features.

How to Use Snapseed Brand Colors

If you want to use Snapseed brand colors in your own work, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it is important to use the colors in a way that is consistent with the app's visual identity. Second, you should use the colors in a way that is appropriate for your own content. For example, if you are creating a marketing piece for Snapseed, you would want to use the colors in a way that is visually appealing and that reflects the app's personality. However, if you are creating a personal project, you may want to use the colors in a more creative way.

There are a few different ways to use Snapseed brand colors in your work. You can use the colors directly, by using the hexadecimal codes listed above. You can also use the colors indirectly, by using color palettes that are based on the Snapseed brand colors. There are a number of free color palettes available online that you can use.

No matter how you choose to use them, Snapseed brand colors can be a great way to add a touch of personality and creativity to your work.


The Snapseed brand colors are a well-chosen palette that helps to create a distinctive and memorable visual identity for the app. They are also used effectively in marketing materials to promote the app and its features. If you want to use Snapseed brand colors in your own work, there are a few things you should keep in mind, such as using the colors in a way that is consistent with the app's visual identity and using the colors in a way that is appropriate for your own content.