South American Football Confederation Colors

The South American Football Confederation colors are South American Football Medium Persian Blue, we recommend using the South American Football Confederation color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. South American Football Confederation Official Website

South American Football Confederation color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #005ca4
RGB Color: 0 92 164
  • #005ca4

South American Football Confederation color Palette Download

Download the South American Football Confederation color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

South American Football Confederation Brand Colors

The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) is the governing body of football in South America. It was founded in 1916 and has 10 member associations: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

The CONMEBOL brand colors are green, yellow, and blue. These colors are used in the confederation's logo, which features a green silhouette of the South American continent surrounded by the flags of the member associations. The green color represents the lush vegetation of the continent, while the yellow color represents the sun and the blue color represents the sky.

The CONMEBOL brand colors are also used in the confederation's marketing materials, such as its website, social media pages, and merchandise. These colors help to create a sense of unity and identity among the confederation's member associations and fans.

In addition to the three main colors, the CONMEBOL brand also uses a variety of other colors, such as red, white, and black. These colors are used to highlight specific events or initiatives, such as the Copa América, the CONMEBOL Libertadores, and the CONMEBOL Sudamericana.

The CONMEBOL brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the values and culture of the confederation. The green color represents hope and growth, the yellow color represents energy and passion, and the blue color represents peace and unity. These colors come together to create a brand that is vibrant, exciting, and inclusive.

The Psychology of Colors in CONMEBOL Brand

The colors used in the CONMEBOL brand are not just chosen for their aesthetic appeal. They also have specific psychological meanings that can evoke certain emotions in viewers.

  • Green: Green is often associated with nature, growth, and hope. It can also be seen as a symbol of peace and tranquility.
  • Yellow: Yellow is a vibrant color that is often associated with energy, passion, and excitement. It can also be seen as a symbol of creativity and optimism.
  • Blue: Blue is a calming color that is often associated with peace, tranquility, and unity. It can also be seen as a symbol of trust and loyalty.

The combination of these three colors in the CONMEBOL brand creates a sense of excitement, hope, and unity. These are all important values for the confederation, and they are reflected in the colors that it uses.


The South American Football Confederation brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the values and culture of the confederation. The green color represents hope and growth, the yellow color represents energy and passion, and the blue color represents peace and unity. These colors come together to create a brand that is vibrant, exciting, and inclusive.