Spirit Of Tasmania Colors

The Spirit Of Tasmania colors are Spirit Of Tasmania Cool Black, Spirit Of Tasmania White, Spirit Of Tasmania Philippine Red, we recommend using the Spirit Of Tasmania color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Spirit Of Tasmania Official Website

Spirit Of Tasmania color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #012169
RGB Color: 1 33 105
Hex Color: #ffffff
RGB Color: 255 255 255
Hex Color: #c8102e
RGB Color: 200 16 46
  • #012169
  • #ffffff
  • #c8102e

Spirit Of Tasmania color Palette Download

Download the Spirit Of Tasmania color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The Spirit of Tasmania is a car and passenger ferry service that operates between Melbourne, Australia and Devonport, Tasmania. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white. These colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, website, and signage.

The blue color represents the ocean, which is a major part of the company's business. The green color represents the lush vegetation of Tasmania, and the white color represents the purity of the Tasmanian air. These colors are also used to create a sense of freshness and excitement, which is in line with the company's brand image.

The Spirit of Tasmania's brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the company's values and to create a positive impression on customers. The colors are also used to create a sense of consistency across the company's marketing materials, which helps to build brand recognition.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the meaning of the Spirit of Tasmania's brand colors:

  • Blue: The color blue is often associated with the ocean, which is a major part of the company's business. Blue is also a calming and refreshing color, which can create a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Green: The color green is often associated with nature, which is another major part of the company's business. Green is also a symbol of growth and renewal, which can create a sense of hope and optimism.
  • White: The color white is often associated with purity and cleanliness. White can also create a sense of space and openness, which can be inviting and welcoming.

The combination of these three colors creates a sense of freshness, excitement, and adventure. This is in line with the company's brand image, which is to be a fun and exciting way to travel between Melbourne and Tasmania.

The Spirit of Tasmania's brand colors are an important part of the company's identity. They are used to create a positive impression on customers and to build brand recognition. The colors are also carefully chosen to reflect the company's values and to create a sense of consistency across the company's marketing materials.