Sprinklr Colors

The Sprinklr colors are Sprinklr Chinese Green, Sprinklr Lust, Sprinklr Sunglow, Sprinklr Battery Charged Blue, we recommend using the Sprinklr color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Sprinklr Official Website

Sprinklr color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #c9d85b
RGB Color: 201 216 91
Hex Color: #e1251a
RGB Color: 225 37 26
Hex Color: #ffcd2e
RGB Color: 255 205 46
Hex Color: #28a9e0
RGB Color: 40 169 224
  • #c9d85b
  • #e1251a
  • #ffcd2e
  • #28a9e0

Sprinklr color Palette Download

Download the Sprinklr color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Sprinklr Brand Color

Sprinklr is a unified customer experience management (CXM) platform that helps businesses engage with their customers across all channels. The company's brand colors are a key part of its visual identity, and they are used throughout its marketing materials, website, and product interface.

The Sprinklr brand colors are:

  • Primary: 28AAE1 (Light Blue)
  • Secondary: #ffeb00 (Yellow)
  • Tertiary: #202730 (Black)

The light blue color is the most prominent color in the Sprinklr brand palette. It is a calming and refreshing color that is often associated with trust, reliability, and peace. The yellow color is used as an accent color to add a touch of brightness and energy. The black color is used for text and graphics, and it provides a strong contrast to the light blue color.

The Sprinklr brand colors are carefully chosen to create a visual identity that is both professional and inviting. The colors are used in a way that is consistent and cohesive, and they help to create a sense of brand awareness.

In addition to the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, Sprinklr also uses a variety of other colors in its marketing materials. These colors are used to add visual interest and to create a sense of harmony. For example, the company often uses shades of green and blue to create a sense of calm and relaxation.

The Sprinklr brand colors are an important part of the company's visual identity. They are used to create a sense of trust, reliability, and professionalism. The colors are also used to add visual interest and to create a sense of harmony. Overall, the Sprinklr brand colors are a well-chosen palette that helps to create a strong and memorable brand identity.

The psychology of color

The colors used for Sprinklr are carefully chosen to evoke certain emotions and associations in the viewer. For example, the light blue color is often associated with trust, reliability, and peace. The yellow color is associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. The black color is associated with power, authority, and sophistication.

The importance of brand colors

Brand colors are an important part of a company's visual identity. They help to create a sense of brand awareness and to distinguish the company from its competitors. Brand colors can also be used to evoke certain emotions in the viewer, which can influence their perception of the company and its products.

The Sprinklr brand colors are a well-chosen palette that helps to create a strong and memorable brand identity. The colors are used in a way that is consistent and cohesive, and they help to evoke the right emotions in the viewer. Overall, the Sprinklr brand colors are a valuable asset to the company's marketing efforts.


Sprinklr is a leading CXM platform, and its brand colors help to reflect its innovative and forward-thinking approach to customer engagement. The colors are carefully chosen to evoke certain emotions in the viewer, and they help to create a sense of brand awareness. Overall, the Sprinklr brand colors are a valuable asset to the company's marketing efforts.