STEF Colors

The STEF colors are STEF Vivid Cerulean, STEF YInMn Blue, we recommend using the STEF color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. STEF Official Website

STEF color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #00a8ec
RGB Color: 0 168 236
Hex Color: #2d4c9c
RGB Color: 45 76 156
  • #00a8ec
  • #2d4c9c

STEF color Palette Download

Download the STEF color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

STEF Brand Colors

STEF is a global food logistics company that specializes in the transportation, storage, and distribution of fresh produce. The company's brand colors are a key part of its visual identity, and they are used to convey a sense of freshness, quality, and reliability.

The primary STEF brand colors are blue, green, and white. Blue is often associated with trust, dependability, and security, which are all important qualities for a food logistics company. Green is associated with freshness, growth, and sustainability, which are all important values for STEF. White is a neutral color that helps to balance out the more vibrant blue and green colors.

The STEF brand colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, including its website, brochures, and social media pages. They are also used in the company's branding elements, such as its logo and website design.

The STEF brand colors are a carefully chosen palette that helps to create a positive and memorable impression of the company. They are used effectively to convey the company's values and to connect with its target audience.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the meaning of each STEF brand color:

  • Blue: Blue is the primary STEF brand color. It is associated with trust, dependability, and security. These are all important qualities for a food logistics company, as they need to be able to deliver fresh produce to customers on time and in good condition.
  • Green: Green is associated with freshness, growth, and sustainability. These are all important values for STEF, as they are committed to providing their customers with fresh, high-quality produce that is grown and transported in a sustainable way.
  • White: White is a neutral color that helps to balance out the more vibrant blue and green colors. It is also associated with cleanliness and purity, which are both important qualities for a food company.

The STEF brand colors are used in a variety of ways throughout the company's marketing materials and branding elements. For example, the blue color is used prominently in the company's logo, website, and social media pages. The green color is used to highlight the freshness of the company's products, and the white color is used to create a sense of cleanliness and purity.

The STEF brand colors are a carefully chosen palette that helps to create a positive and memorable impression of the company. They are used effectively to convey the company's values and to connect with its target audience.