Tikona Infinet Limited Colors

The Tikona Infinet Limited colors are Tikona Infinet Raisin Black, Tikona Infinet Pear, Tikona Infinet Battery Charged Blue, Tikona Infinet Red (Pigment), we recommend using the Tikona Infinet Limited color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Tikona Infinet Limited Official Website

Tikona Infinet Limited color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #242021
RGB Color: 36 32 33
Hex Color: #d6df22
RGB Color: 214 223 34
Hex Color: #25aae2
RGB Color: 37 170 226
Hex Color: #eb1c24
RGB Color: 235 28 36
  • #242021
  • #d6df22
  • #25aae2
  • #eb1c24

Tikona Infinet Limited color Palette Download

Download the Tikona Infinet Limited color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Tikona Infinet Limited Brand Colors

Tikona Infinet Limited is a leading provider of broadband internet services in India. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white. These colors are used throughout the company's branding materials, including its website, marketing materials, and retail stores.

The blue color in Tikona's branding represents trust, reliability, and stability. The green color represents growth, innovation, and progress. The white color represents clarity, simplicity, and openness.

Together, these colors create a branding that is both modern and approachable. They convey the company's commitment to providing its customers with reliable, high-quality internet services.

The Meaning of Tikona's Brand Colors

  • Blue: Blue is the color of trust, reliability, and stability. It is often associated with the sky and the ocean, which are both symbols of vastness and permanence. In Tikona's branding, blue represents the company's commitment to providing its customers with a reliable and stable internet connection.
  • Green: Green is the color of growth, innovation, and progress. It is often associated with nature, which is a symbol of new beginnings and possibilities. In Tikona's branding, green represents the company's commitment to providing its customers with the latest internet technology and services.
  • White: White is the color of clarity, simplicity, and openness. It is often associated with light and purity. In Tikona's branding, white represents the company's commitment to providing its customers with a clear and easy-to-understand internet experience.

How Tikona's Brand Colors are Used

Tikona's brand colors are used throughout the company's branding materials. The blue color is the most prominent color, and it is used in the company's logo, website, and marketing materials. The green color is used to accent the blue color, and it is often used in the company's retail stores. The white color is used to provide a sense of balance and clarity, and it is often used in the company's typography.

The Effect of Tikona's Brand Colors

Tikona's brand colors have a positive effect on the company's branding. The blue color creates a sense of trust and reliability, while the green color creates a sense of growth and innovation. The white color provides a sense of clarity and simplicity. Together, these colors create a branding that is both modern and approachable.


Tikona's brand colors are an important part of the company's branding. These colors convey the company's commitment to providing its customers with reliable, high-quality internet services. The blue color creates a sense of trust and reliability, while the green color creates a sense of growth and innovation. The white color provides a sense of clarity and simplicity. Together, these colors create a branding that is both modern and approachable.