TPI Polene Colors

The TPI Polene colors are TPI Polene University Of California Gold, TPI Polene Navy Blue, TPI Polene Red, we recommend using the TPI Polene color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. TPI Polene Official Website

TPI Polene color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #b2852e
RGB Color: 178 133 46
Hex Color: #13007c
RGB Color: 19 0 124
Hex Color: #ff0000
RGB Color: 255 0 0
  • #b2852e
  • #13007c
  • #ff0000

TPI Polene color Palette Download

Download the TPI Polene color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

TPI Polene Brand Colors

TPI Polene is a French luxury bag brand founded in 2014. The brand is known for its high-quality leather goods, simple yet elegant designs, and affordable prices. TPI Polene's brand colors are an important part of its identity, and they help to convey the brand's message of luxury, simplicity, and sophistication.

The primary TPI Polene brand color is black. Black is a classic color that is often associated with luxury and sophistication. It is also a versatile color that can be paired with a variety of other colors. TPI Polene uses black in its bags, accessories, and marketing materials to create a sense of luxury and exclusivity.

The secondary TPI Polene brand color is tan. Tan is a warm color that is often associated with nature and simplicity. It is also a versatile color that can be paired with a variety of other colors. TPI Polene uses tan in its bags, accessories, and marketing materials to create a sense of warmth and sophistication.

The tertiary TPI Polene brand color is gold. Gold is a luxurious color that is often associated with wealth and status. It is also a versatile color that can be paired with a variety of other colors. TPI Polene uses gold in its hardware and branding to create a sense of luxury and sophistication.

The TPI Polene brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the brand's values and identity. The use of black, tan, and gold creates a sense of luxury, simplicity, and sophistication that is consistent with the brand's image. These colors also help to make TPI Polene's products stand out from the competition.

Why are Polène bags famous?

Polène bags are famous for their high quality, simple yet elegant designs, and affordable prices. The bags are made from high-quality leather and are handcrafted by skilled artisans in Spain. Polène bags are also known for their timeless designs, which means that they can be worn for years to come.

Another reason why Polène bags are famous is because of their affordable prices. Polène bags are priced significantly lower than other luxury bags, making them more accessible to a wider range of consumers. This has helped to make Polène bags one of the most popular luxury bag brands in the world.


The TPI Polene brand colors are an important part of the brand's identity. They help to convey the brand's message of luxury, simplicity, and sophistication. The use of black, tan, and gold creates a sense of luxury and exclusivity that is consistent with the brand's image. These colors also help to make TPI Polene's products stand out from the competition.

If you are looking for a luxury bag that is both stylish and affordable, then a Polène bag is a great option. The bags are made from high-quality materials and are handcrafted by skilled artisans. They also have timeless designs that will last for years to come.