TrueData Colors

The TrueData colors are TrueData Celestial Blue, TrueData Air Force Blue (USAF), we recommend using the TrueData color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. TrueData Official Website

TrueData color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #4496c8
RGB Color: 68 150 200
Hex Color: #0f3692
RGB Color: 15 54 146
  • #4496c8
  • #0f3692

TrueData color Palette Download

Download the TrueData color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

TrueData Brand Colors

TrueData is a data analytics company that specializes in helping businesses make better decisions with data. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white.

  • Blue is the primary brand color. It represents trust, reliability, and security. These are all qualities that are important to TrueData, as they strive to provide their customers with accurate and reliable data.
  • Green is the secondary brand color. It represents growth, innovation, and prosperity. These are all qualities that TrueData hopes to bring to its customers, as they help them to grow their businesses and make better decisions.
  • White is the tertiary brand color. It represents purity, simplicity, and clarity. These are all qualities that TrueData strives for in its data analytics solutions.

The combination of these three colors creates a brand identity that is both trustworthy and innovative. It is a brand that businesses can rely on to help them make better decisions with data.

In addition to the three main brand colors, TrueData also uses a variety of other colors in its branding. These colors are used to add emphasis, create visual interest, and help to differentiate different aspects of the brand.

For example, the company uses a bright orange color in its logo to stand out from the competition. It also uses a variety of shades of blue and green throughout its website and marketing materials to create a sense of harmony and consistency.

The use of color is an important part of TrueData's branding strategy. The company's colors help to create a brand identity that is both trustworthy and innovative. They also help to communicate the company's values and its commitment to providing its customers with the best possible data analytics solutions.

Here are some of the ways that TrueData uses its brand colors:

  • The company's website uses a blue background and green accents to create a sense of calm and professionalism.
  • TrueData's marketing materials often feature a combination of blue, green, and white to create a clean and modern look.
  • The company's logo uses a bright orange color to stand out from the competition and to create a sense of excitement.

Overall, TrueData's brand colors are used effectively to create a brand identity that is both trustworthy and innovative. They help to communicate the company's values and its commitment to providing its customers with the best possible data analytics solutions.