Unevoc Network Colors

The Unevoc Network colors are Unevoc Network Prussian Blue, Unevoc Network Medium Electric Blue, Unevoc Network Vivid Cerulean, Unevoc Network Yellow-Green, Unevoc Network Beer, Unevoc Network Crimson Glory, we recommend using the Unevoc Network color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Unevoc Network Official Website

Unevoc Network color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #002d56
RGB Color: 0 45 86
Hex Color: #005696
RGB Color: 0 86 150
Hex Color: #00aeef
RGB Color: 0 174 239
Hex Color: #8cc63f
RGB Color: 140 198 63
Hex Color: #f8981d
RGB Color: 248 152 29
Hex Color: #b20838
RGB Color: 178 8 56
  • #002d56
  • #005696
  • #00aeef
  • #8cc63f
  • #f8981d
  • #b20838

Unevoc Network color Palette Download

Download the Unevoc Network color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The UNEVOC Network is a global network of institutions specialized in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). It is a partnership between UNESCO and over 220 UNEVOC Centres in more than 140 countries. The UNEVOC Network's brand colors are blue, green, and orange.

The blue color represents the sky and the ocean, which are both symbols of knowledge and learning. The green color represents growth and development, which are essential elements of TVET. The orange color represents creativity and innovation, which are key to success in the 21st century workforce.

The UNEVOC Network's brand colors are used in its logo, website, and other marketing materials. The colors are also used in the branding of UNEVOC Centres around the world.

The UNEVOC Network's brand colors are a reflection of its mission to promote excellence in TVET. The colors are also a symbol of the Network's commitment to innovation and creativity.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the meaning of the UNEVOC Network's brand colors:

  • Blue: The color blue represents knowledge, learning, and understanding. It is also associated with trust, reliability, and stability. These qualities are all important to the UNEVOC Network, which is committed to providing high-quality TVET programs and services.
  • Green: The color green represents growth, development, and sustainability. It is also associated with nature, which is a source of inspiration and creativity. These qualities are all important to the UNEVOC Network, which is committed to helping people develop the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century workforce.
  • Orange: The color orange represents creativity, innovation, and energy. It is also associated with excitement and adventure. These qualities are all important to the UNEVOC Network, which is committed to helping people develop the skills they need to be successful in the ever-changing world of work.

The UNEVOC Network's brand colors are a powerful visual representation of its mission and values. They are used in a variety of ways to promote the Network and its work. The colors are sure to continue to be a key part of the UNEVOC Network's branding for years to come.