Vicat Colors

The Vicat colors are Vicat Midnight Blue, we recommend using the Vicat color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Vicat Official Website

Vicat color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #004685
RGB Color: 0 70 133
  • #004685

Vicat color Palette Download

Download the Vicat color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Vicat Brand Colors

Vicat is a French company that manufactures cement, aggregates, and ready-mix concrete. The company's brand colors are red, white, and gray.

  • Red is the primary brand color. It represents passion, energy, and strength. Red is also the color of fire, which is a symbol of the company's commitment to innovation.
  • White is the secondary brand color. It represents purity, clarity, and simplicity. White is also the color of concrete, which is the company's core product.
  • Gray is a tertiary brand color. It represents stability, reliability, and trust. Gray is also the color of the earth, which is the foundation of the company's business.

The Vicat brand colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, website, and products. The colors are also used in the company's logo, which features a red circle with a white V in the center.

The Vicat brand colors are a strong and effective visual identity for the company. The colors are well-chosen and they are used consistently throughout the company's branding. The colors help to create a sense of brand awareness and they also help to communicate the company's values.

Here are some of the benefits of using Vicat brand colors:

  • The colors are memorable and help to create a strong visual identity for the company.
  • The colors are consistent and are used throughout the company's branding.
  • The colors help to communicate the company's values, such as passion, energy, strength, purity, clarity, simplicity, stability, reliability, and trust.

Here are some tips for using Vicat brand colors:

  • Use the colors consistently throughout your branding materials.
  • Use the colors in a way that is visually appealing and that helps to communicate your message.
  • Don't overuse the colors, as this can make them look too busy.
  • Use the colors in a way that is appropriate for your target audience.

If you are looking for a strong and effective visual identity for your company, then the Vicat brand colors are a great option. The colors are memorable, consistent, and help to communicate your values.