Volusion Colors

The Volusion colors are Violets Are Blue, Volusion Dark Turquoise, Volusion Sasquatch Socks, Volusion Golden Poppy, we recommend using the Volusion color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Volusion Official Website

Volusion color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #8759f2
RGB Color: 135 89 242
Hex Color: #00d4e6
RGB Color: 0 212 230
Hex Color: #ff3e80
RGB Color: 255 62 128
Hex Color: #ffc300
RGB Color: 255 195 0
  • #8759f2
  • #00d4e6
  • #ff3e80
  • #ffc300

Volusion color Palette Download

Download the Volusion color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Volusion Brand Colors

Volusion is an ecommerce platform that helps businesses of all sizes create and manage their online stores. The company's brand colors are a reflection of its values and mission.

The primary Volusion brand color is orange. Orange is a vibrant, energetic color that is often associated with creativity, innovation, and excitement. It is a great choice for a brand that wants to project a forward-thinking and progressive image.

The secondary Volusion brand colors are blue and gray. Blue is a calming and reassuring color that is often associated with trust, security, and reliability. Gray is a neutral color that can be used to balance out the more vibrant orange.

The combination of orange, blue, and gray creates a color palette that is both modern and sophisticated. It is a perfect fit for a brand that wants to appeal to a wide range of customers.

In addition to the primary and secondary colors, Volusion also uses a number of accent colors in its branding. These colors include white, black, and green. White is used to create a sense of space and clarity, while black is used to add a touch of sophistication. Green is used to represent growth and prosperity.

The use of color in Volusion's branding is carefully considered and deliberate. The colors are used to create a sense of trust, reliability, and excitement. They also help to project a forward-thinking and progressive image.

Here are some of the ways that Volusion uses its brand colors:

  • The orange logo is a prominent feature on the company's website and marketing materials.
  • The blue and gray colors are used in the company's product interface to create a sense of order and clarity.
  • The accent colors are used to highlight important information and to create visual interest.

Overall, the use of color in Volusion's branding is effective in communicating the company's values and mission. The colors are used to create a sense of trust, reliability, and excitement. They also help to project a forward-thinking and progressive image.

Here are some of the benefits of using color in branding:

  • Color can help to create a strong visual identity for your brand.
  • Color can help to evoke emotions in your target audience.
  • Color can help to make your brand more memorable.
  • Color can help to guide your customers through your website or marketing materials.

If you are looking to create a strong and effective brand, be sure to consider the use of color. Color can be a powerful tool that can help you to communicate your brand's message and connect with your target audience.