Xerox Colors

The Xerox colors are Xerox Amaranth Red, we recommend using the Xerox color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Xerox Official Website

Xerox color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #d92231
RGB Color: 217 34 49
  • #d92231

Xerox color Palette Download

Download the Xerox color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Xerox Brand Colors

Xerox is a global technology company that specializes in document management and imaging. The company's brand colors are red, white, and gray.

  • Red is the primary brand color for Xerox. It is a vibrant and energetic color that symbolizes passion, excitement, and innovation. Red is also a very attention-grabbing color, which is why it is often used in marketing materials.
  • White is the secondary brand color for Xerox. It is a clean and simple color that symbolizes clarity, simplicity, and efficiency. White is often used to offset the red color and create a sense of balance.
  • Gray is the tertiary brand color for Xerox. It is a neutral color that symbolizes trust, reliability, and stability. Gray is often used in corporate communications to create a sense of professionalism.

The combination of red, white, and gray creates a strong and memorable brand identity for Xerox. These colors are used consistently across all of the company's marketing materials, products, and services.

In addition to the three main brand colors, Xerox also uses a variety of other colors in its branding. These colors are often used to highlight specific features or products. For example, the company uses blue to represent its cloud-based services and green to represent its sustainability initiatives.

The use of color is an important part of Xerox's branding strategy. The company's colors help to create a strong and memorable brand identity that is consistent across all of its touchpoints.

The Psychology of Xerox Brand Colors

The colors that a company uses can have a significant impact on its brand perception. The colors that Xerox uses are carefully chosen to convey the company's values and message.

  • Red is a very powerful color. It is often associated with passion, excitement, and energy. Red is also a very attention-grabbing color, which is why it is often used in marketing materials. In the context of Xerox's branding, red symbolizes the company's innovative spirit and its commitment to providing its customers with the latest technologies.
  • White is a color of simplicity and clarity. It is often associated with cleanliness and purity. White is also a very versatile color, which is why it is often used to offset other colors. In the context of Xerox's branding, white symbolizes the company's commitment to providing its customers with clear and concise information.
  • Gray is a color of neutrality and sophistication. It is often associated with trust, reliability, and stability. Gray is also a very versatile color, which is why it is often used to create a sense of balance. In the context of Xerox's branding, gray symbolizes the company's commitment to providing its customers with reliable and trustworthy products and services.

The use of these colors together creates a strong and memorable brand identity for Xerox. The colors are consistent across all of the company's marketing materials, products, and services. This helps to create a sense of familiarity and trust with the company's customers.


The colors that Xerox uses are an important part of its branding strategy. The colors are carefully chosen to convey the company's values and message. The use of these colors together creates a strong and memorable brand identity for Xerox.