Zipline Colors

The Zipline colors are Zipline Cinnabar, we recommend using the Zipline color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Zipline Official Website

Zipline color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #e73c3e
RGB Color: 231 60 62
  • #e73c3e

Zipline color Palette Download

Download the Zipline color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Zipline Brand Colors: A Symbol of Efficiency, Safety, and Joy

Zipline is a drone delivery company that operates in Rwanda, Ghana, and the United States. The company's brand colors are a vibrant pink, a variety of blues, and a few neutral shades. These colors are used throughout the company's branding, from its website to its marketing materials.

The pink color is the most prominent color in Zipline's branding. It is a bright, eye-catching color that is associated with energy, excitement, and joy. The pink color also represents the company's commitment to safety. The pink color is often used in safety signs and equipment, so it is a natural choice for a company that is focused on delivering medical supplies and other essential goods.

The blues in Zipline's branding are used to create a sense of calm and efficiency. The blues are also associated with trust and reliability, which are important qualities for a company that is delivering life-saving medical supplies.

The neutral shades in Zipline's branding are used to provide a sense of balance and harmony. The neutral shades also help to ground the company's branding and make it more accessible to a wider audience\

Overall, Zipline's brand colors are a carefully chosen combination of colors that represent the company's values and mission. The colors are bright, eye-catching, and yet also calming and reassuring. They are a perfect fit for a company that is committed to delivering essential goods safely and efficiently.

Here is a more detailed look at Zipline's brand colors:

  • Pink: The pink color is the most prominent color in Zipline's branding. It is a bright, eye-catching color that is associated with energy, excitement, and joy. The pink color also represents the company's commitment to safety. The pink color is often used in safety signs and equipment, so it is a natural choice for a company that is focused on delivering medical supplies and other essential goods.
  • Blue: The blues in Zipline's branding are used to create a sense of calm and efficiency. The blues are also associated with trust and reliability, which are important qualities for a company that is delivering life-saving medical supplies. The blues in Zipline's branding include a variety of shades, from light blues to dark blues. This variety of shades helps to create a sense of depth and interest in the company's branding.
  • Neutrals: The neutral shades in Zipline's branding are used to provide a sense of balance and harmony. The neutral shades also help to ground the company's branding and make it more accessible to a wider audience. The neutral shades in Zipline's branding include white, black, and gray. These shades are used to create a clean and modern look for the company's branding.

How do Zipline's brand colors reflect the company's values?

Zipline's brand colors reflect the company's values in a number of ways. The pink color represents the company's commitment to safety. The blues represent the company's commitment to efficiency and reliability. And the neutral shades represent the company's commitment to balance and harmony.

The overall effect of Zipline's brand colors is to create a sense of trust, reliability, and excitement. These are all qualities that are important for a company that is delivering life-saving medical supplies.

What are some other companies that use similar brand colors?

Some other companies that use similar brand colors to Zipline include:

  • Netflix: Netflix uses a variety of blues in its branding. These blues create a sense of calm and relaxation, which is appropriate for a company that provides streaming entertainment.
  • Virgin Atlantic: Virgin Atlantic uses a bright pink color in its branding. This pink color is associated with energy, excitement, and adventure, which are all qualities that are associated with the airline industry.
  • The North Face: The North Face uses a variety of blues and greens in its branding. These colors create a sense of adventure and exploration, which are both important aspects of the company's brand.


Zipline's brand colors are a carefully chosen combination of colors that represent the company's values and mission. The colors are bright, eye-catching, and yet also calming and reassuring. They are a perfect fit for a company that is committed to delivering essential goods safely and efficiently.